Center for Puppetry Arts – UNIMA Touring Program/Marie Antoinette Tonight
An UNIMA endorsed national tour and an ensemble piece for narrator, puppets, and pre-recorded media by Bruce D. Schwartz. ($10,000)

Clarion Puppet Theatre – Pictures at an Exhibition
A shadow puppet pantomime of Modest Moussourgsky’s tone poem. ($3,000)
Marquis Studio, Inc. – Untitled
A collaboration with Polish designer Marie Kostrzewski based on the work of the sculptor & painter Giacometti. ($4,000)
Roman Paska – Uccelli
A piece about perspective and perspectives based on the life and work of the Renaissance painter Paolo Uccelli. ($5,000)
Ragabash Puppet Theater – Fontamara
A collaboration with sculptor Jay Coogan based on an Ignazio Silone novel using puppets, masks, and objects. ($3,000)
Paul Zaloom – Creature from the Blue Zaloom
A two part piece: Leonardo’s Revenge, a hand puppet show, and About the Future of the World at Large, a found object show. ($5,000)
“It is tough being an independent artist in our culture today… And those of us in the puppetry field have always felt particularly marginalized… that is, until you folks came along. I feel in a way that we puppeteers now have this giant, invisible wall backing us up, supporting us; actually, not a wall, but a foundation that supports us that we can build on. We are not alone. We have you out there advocating for us, pushing for our work, putting your money where your mouth is. I can’t tell you how indescribably delicious it is to have this support.”
– Paul Zaloom